Red Currants

I suspect that the red currants are the reason why the blackbirds object to me being in the back garden. They have claimed exclusive rights. But I have had this bush for forty-odd years. I'm not giving it up. It is my favourite Christmas treat, and has been for a very long time.

We had much needed drenching rain today and it is very muggy.

After putting bread on the bird table I was watching the house sparrows feed. I soak and crumble the bread so that the magpies can't make off with the whole lot in one swoop. A little hen sparrow was taking as much crumb as she could and flying up to the cabbage trees with it. A moment later she was back for more. Then another hen sparrow arrived. I watched to see where she would take her load. She flew off to the big fir tree, about halfway up, paused briefly and flew higher. After another brief pause she flew to a thicket at the base of the highest branch some 25 metres up. Presently she emerged and glided down to the bird table. On her second trip up she paused at three different levels and on the third trip she had to do it in five stages. It's hard work being a mother.

Best seen large.

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