
By davechapman

Overhead mirror

I went to City Hall today, the building that houses the Greater London Assembly, for a photography exhibition by Sara Shamsavari. I used to work with Sara and have been incredibly inspired by her work. Her current exhibition is her first solo exhibition and it serves to represent the diversity of London by highlighting Londoners that identify as British, but have a cultural background from somewhere else. By displaying these powerful portraits alongside quotes from the subjects, you get to learn that Londoners with the most exotic cultural background often identify as British when they find that this incredible city offers them the platform to do so. When your father is from Mauritius and your mother is from Belfast, you pretty much create your own identity, and as unique as you are, you may find very well find that you fit perfectly into London's cultural mix.

The picture I blipped today was taken in the foyer of the exhibition where the ceiling is partially mirrored, and features myself and an American girl who joined me for this special self portrait!

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