With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

New shores

This is the beach near the school where I will start work in January. I can see it may feature heavily in the future.

It was bitter in the valley this morning, and tennis was cancelled. Infact I'd woken at 4.30 am to the sound of heavy rain and the cat snoring and I wished sport away. However by the time I'd got up, showered, had two cups of tea and got the boys off to school, I was really ready for a session and very disappointed it was off. They are clay courts, so take a while to drain. So I had an early session in Paris, with a friend and then the paper, called in on Orisit who was having her shutters changed(!), got her to check me out in my work clothes (a bit morbid looking as usual, but at least I'm smart) and then off to the other side. It was blazing sunshine of course, but still chilly.

Everything seems very well run and amiable in the new place. I had a quick tour and met a few people. I've got a bit of work to do this Christmas to prepare me for the onslaught, but I have plenty of prep time once I start, so I should be able to keep on top of things. They have a very smart uniform and a very high standard expected in terms of discipline. Music to my ears. And the locale isn't bad either!

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