All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The little walker

Since Ethan turned one year old yesterday, he seems to have decided he wants to learn new things! In the past 24 hours he has for the first time ...

- climbed all the way up our staircase with no help
- started walking very confidently with the baby walker
- got 2 new teeth (bringing them to a total of 7 with 5 of them putting in an appearance over the past fortnight)!

No wonder his sleeping has gone haywire with all this happening! He was up again howling during the night and after an hour of trying to settle him, I brought him into our bed. We've had to do this every night for the past 4 nights and it's not something I want to encourage. However, cos Grannie was staying over (Grandpa went home yesterday afternoon), I didn't want her kept up all night too with Ethan's crying. If we have a problem at bedtime tonight, we'll try to see it out without bringing Ethan through to us.

Grannie wasn't feeling very well today so we had a quiet morning at home. After lunch I took Ethan to his swimming class and Grannie came too so she could watch. Unfortunately for the second week in a row we were the only people who showed up for the class. So the instructor gave us some toys in the big pool and Ethan & I just had a splash around in there instead.

We then went for a hot chocolate at Debenhams with Grannie before waving her off at the bus station. Ethan was knackered by this stage and fell asleep as soon as I put him in his car seat. So I decided to let him carry on sleeping and I drove round Livingston to deliver all the local christmas cards I had, rather than posting them!

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