One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

PC world

Sometimes I forget what it was like to work in a world not dominated by political correctness.

I got my keys cut in 3 minutes, for a good price and no bullshit.
The original was bent and I was told there and then that there was no guarantee that the copy would work. I replied there and then that I was willing to take the risk, that I would assume full responsibility if it did not work. It did work. I got another copy made.

We never say "bullshit" in my work. Or "cheat the client". Or "screw the suppliers".
We do it a lot though. But we are PC.
Our misleading, misrepresenting, dodging, deflecting, "it-was-not-me-ing", disappearing, copying, stealing, spying, misappropriating, lying, exaggerating, corner cutting, expectations boosting, carrot dangling, stick brandishing, threatening, coercing, intimidating, bullying, cajoling, whoring, soliciting is done via a Corporate Communications Manager.

And not a very good one at that.

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