Who knew?

By InOtherNews


Frozen in time and frozen in temperature here. This shot is taken at the 'rough' end of the River Witham as it makes its way out towards Bardney and the east coast. The building you see is now part of the council offices, but shockingly was originally Clayton & Shuttleworth. They were a BIG engineering firm in Lincoln in 1845, and peaked with a workforce of approximately 1500 people.

They first built portable steam engines, but also landedlucrative contracts for planes during the first world war. Interestingly the plane flown by Roy Brown, a Sopwith Camel B7270 was actually built by the same company in a building across the back from this one. That plane was the one credited with shooting down the Red Baron.

History over.

The River in front is the Witham, still frozen solid. I'll put a few other shots on flickr to show how frozen over the river is. There are actually bricks and bottles frozen onto the water. I didn't think it'd been that cold.

Whats new with me? Nothing.I work and sleep, sleep and work. When time comes to play I usually just sleep. Or work. I'm trying to get a merry band of early thirty-somethings to accompany me into town for some christmas cheer this weekend. I may as well have offered out slaps in the face with a used nappy. No takers so far.

My shoulders hurt to, Margaret who I work with says stress. I think its just the weight of the world finally beginning to cause a minor strain :-)

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