This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

illustration of a dream


I am working in a gallery, one I know well.
I have the front door open, I step out back for a minute
I come back in, I notice a small painting of mine is missing
Then it hits me, it is not just one painting but all my paintings
and not just any paintings but the white series and the manual for living.
I run outside to see if anyone is running down the street with my work
It is grey and rainy
I run crying but there is no one there. I look around feeling helpless.
Suddenly people are running towards me but not to me
I have to jump to get out of their way I ask them to stop but they don't
Finally a face I remember from my past sees my distress and is well aware of the importance of the work and she runs towards the gallery.
I tell her this hasn't really hit me yet. I try to run too, but I can't move my legs, or I can but the motion isn't right, that is when I realize it is only a dream.
I wake up with a start in the dark.


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