Lost Soul
Our neighbourhood cat thinking he was hiding from me. Nicely surrounded in camelia leaves in the foreground, magnolia leaves (I think) in the background and our own NZ Black Beech over his head and to the right.
The New Zealand Black Beech is native to NZ, the maori name is Tawairauiki.
It has small shiny leaves slightly rounded in shape and has a very tiny red flower at the start of summer. Our Black Beech flowered this year but I couldn't get a very good image as the flowers are so minute. There are five species native to New Zealand they are: Black, hard, silver, red and mountain. Black beech as featured here grows to 25 metres tall and is an evergreen.
The neighbourhood cat doesn't seem to have an owner. We have been living here for 16yrs and this cat probably about 12yrs. He has no tail and loves to sit on our corner fence morning and night. We have no chance of getting close as he is so very timid, you can see the apprehension in his looked as I quietly edged a little closer.
I have been full on gardening yesterday and today - finally I have the garden how I would like it. I'm tired and sore but very happy. The next job is sorting out where everyone will sleep - this could be a mission, as our outside room which is fully self contained has become an off cast area as our daughters have grown - you can imagine what it could look like, disaster zone! I will tackle this tomorrow.
I'm behind with comments but I will get to you as time permits - my brother arrives midnight Saturday!!!
Have a great Tuesday - I'm having a brandy after all my hard work :)
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