With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Home fires

I have spent a good deal of the day infront of a fire, and with the promise of snow tomorrow, it sounds like a good idea to continue. I was not idling though. A few hours of cleaning and sorting this morning satisfied, if maybe tinged with sadness, a need to move things around a bit. I came across too many old photographs not to linger a while over them. And then to the writing. Top secret project. It's coming on apace, but much lies ahead.

Later I attended my first writers' group. I received some invaluable advice for my project to begin with. This was more of a social event before people disperse for the holidays though. I did read a piece I wrote last night as an offering. I think it was well received, but anyway, what a great crowd they are. Fascinating, funny, different and well informed, the hours slipped away. As two of our company were Swedish, we sang Santa Lucia and heard a translation of the beautiful words, how the night walks with heavy footsteps (Natten går tunga fjät) around the farmstead and the shadows brood before Santa Lucia appears to light up their homes. Thanks to the host Mike and my other delightful new friends.

So my heavy footsteps took me home to the light of the fire and two hungry boys. I'd promised them gruel and dried bread, but they fared a little better. May your evenings also be full of light and happiness.

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