Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Sushi bar

Another day in the long-drawn-out and continuing saga of DS's Crhsitmas shopping. I went to bed full of the best of intentions to venture forth before noon, but I was so near the end of my book that I decided to finish it (despite the fact that it wasn't especially good -- well below the standard of his three Matthew Shardlake novels which I thoroughly enjoyed). So I was up later than planned, and then I spent a while ticking off some Christmas list items courtesy of a bit of internet shopping, all of which meant that it was closer to 3.00 than to 12.00 by the time I left the house.

I left the car in town and got the Luas tram to Dundrum Town Centre, where I then spent over three long, tiring and only somewhat productive hours wandering from shop to shop, picking up things and putting them back down again, and spending far too much on silly gadget-type gifts which may never end up being given to anyone. Still, there are one or two more ticks against names on the list after the day's activity, so I suppose it wasn't totally wasted. Indeed, I even got my self a new book to read, and I also got a bite to eat -- though definitely not yucky sushi which I was surprised to see several foolish people apparently enjoying at the sushi bar on the ground floor of the shopping centre.

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