
By heraldino

Eclipse VI

Bad Irritating news: - Quest for world domination continues

Everyone who knows me knows that I despise In-your-Face-book. My account has been deactivated since June because I can't stand the minutia, the irritating relatives, the friends who have no life, the individuals who think they are your friends and the cluttered interface that gives me a headache.
I read somewhere that if you deactivate and don't sign in for a month, your account is deleted . Not true, I tested it after four months. As soon as I did, that streaming crap reappeared and updated, right where I left it.

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Good Refreshing!! news: - Wouldn't you know!

It turns out that the oversharing, overly connected age group of 18 -25 that Facebook was created for, actually care about their privacy. Who knew.

total eclipse on November 19

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff and if Facebook floats your boat and keeps you in touch, that's terrific.

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