Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

The Early Christmas Day

I have to admit, I've always been a bit of a Christmas Hog. Since we became parents, I always wanted my children to wake up in their own beds on Christmas Day, just like I did. However, then our BFFs moved and invited us over to theirs for Xmas Day. So, this year we have rejiggled things. Heading to theirs next Monday, so today was Our Christmas Day.

Holy Cow! Why did I never think of this earlier?!! It's been brilliant. I've spent half the amount of money I would normally do AND the children are absolutely loving it. So that's it for me, I'm going on holiday every Xmas!

OOOHHH! Edited to add that the first dish in the picure is the Cheesy Leeks, the recipe of which was handed over by The Lovely Cats and Dogs We all wolfed them down...even my vegie hating kids. Which is, quite frankly, a miracle.

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