
By HKing


This is the 2nd Lucia concert we've been to in 3 days. J has a week full of concerts for Lucia and Christmas.

This one was in the Globe Theatre, which was HUGE (12,000ish people). The final of Idol (Swedish version of The X-Factor) was held here on Friday.

This was taken before it started (using my knee as a tripod). Imagine the blue area and all the aisles filled with thousands of kids each holding a candle and singing Swedish Lucia songs. The white thing in the middle is where Lucia stood, wearing a crown of candles. It was amazing.

At the end they put hundreds of candles on this big metal thing that came down from the roof, and when they lifted it up again it made a giant Christmas tree out of candles.

Then one of the paper bases to the candles caught fire and it had to be lowered whilst the team of technicians ran around it blowing them all out. It was pretty hilarious...

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