Hoppy Days

By hoppydays


Yesterday I thought Kerr was a bit out of sorts due to teething. How wrong I was. Around 10pm last night he woke up crying. We went in to check on him and he was totally covered in vomit. In his hair, on all the soft toys, pyjamas, sleeping bag, mattress - covered. Yuck! It was proper smelly grown up vomit which he has never had before.

He kept vomiting every half hour until just after midnight. By which point he was in our bed, and the pile of washing was almost up to the ceiling!

We got up this morning and he seemed fine. I gave him some milk and a plain dry biscuit and we set off to the Fort for it opening at 10am. Just as we came off the motorway Kerr puked everywhere :-( It was spectacular and projectile and we turned back home asap and popped him in the bath. No further sickness today but he hasn't eaten much at all and is definitely not feeling very good. He was happy to sit quietly for long periods of time having cuddles.

On the plus side, we now know how to remove the car seat cover and it has been through the washing machine. Everything else has been drowned in Dettol, and there are various soft toys drying on the radiators.

Now I'm hoping that kerrsdaddy and I don't catch whatever it is!

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