Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Sleepy time.

How beautiful is this little guy then? Cute just isn't the word!

Brain kept us up half the night rushing around the place, bouncing off things and biting toes and I finally with a heavy heart had to shut him in the other room so that we could get some sleep. You should have seen those big eyes when he looked up at me realising that I wasn't going to play - just like Puss in Boots from Shrek!

I let him back in this morning and he was all sleepy cuddles and nose bumps! We also had a lovely nap this afternoon when he crawled up and tucked himself under my chin before Andy came to take him home.
I miss the wee fella now, but it is nice to be able to sit with my computer or eat a plate of food without Brian in the middle of it! Kittens have SO much energy it's ridiculous. I could do with just a wee bit of that!

Awww.... He is damn cute, so lovable:)

Missing Felix so much though.

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