All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

1st chocolate and 1st visit from police!

Today was Ethan's first birthday party. It's not his actual birthday for another 2 days yet but the weekend is a much better time to have a party. Lots of friends and family came to join in with the fun and we had a fab time. I do think I seriously underestimated how much food kids can demolish though, especially of the chocolate variety! Talking of chocolate, Ethan had his first proper taste of it today and in time honoured tradition, got it everywhere! (See also my sisters blip here ).

A few hours after all his guests had left, there was a knock at the door. We answered it to find 2 police officers standing there, who asked if they could come in. Turns out there had been a "silent" 999 call made from our house 20 minutes earlier ... errrr ... guess who had been playing with the phone around that time! Cue very embarassed mummy & daddy! The police were lovely though - they just laughed it off and said Ethan was very clever to have learnt how to dial that number already! (I'm just wishing I'd had the nerve to ask if they'd pose for a picture with the culprit, lol)!

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