Polar Bear Twinkles

13 months 21 days

What a fantastic day we've had today! Started pretty early, when Katie decided that 12 am was play time for an hour and a half, crawling, bouncing and giggling on me. She did go back to sleep for a while, woke up grizzly, then went back to sleep, not long before we needed to get up to head back home.

She had a brief but happy time with Granny and Grandad before we left. We spent a really nice morning with Ava and her mummy and daddy. We got hot chocolate and the girls were just delighted to see each other. We'd met to watch Santa arrive with his (real) reindeer and then go have a wander round the Christmas market. I have to admit, the girls were more excited by some dogs that came down the street than by Santa, and in fact both went to sleep very shortly after. It was still a lovely time though!

After we'd said goodbye to Ava, we met the lady we've sold Katie's jumperoo to. A sad day! Although exciting as we're trying to find a nice 'active' toy, for inside, for Katie to replace jumperoo. Answers on a postcard, please.

Katie and I spent some lovely time together just her and I. We went out for lunch at the garden centre, had several wanders round the twinkles, a quick spin round the soft play. We made a brief trip to asda- they didnt' have what we wanted, so we made a quick stop at morrions- they didn't either, so when we got back home, I put her in the pram, where she slept, and found what we wanted in tesco's in the village!

We'd not been home long when eldest Cousin text to say she was bored and would like to visit, so that was a nice extra surprise too.

Oh and I think I know now why Katie was up in the night- I discovered her 4th tooth has cut through and is impressively big already

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