
By heraldino

Alveus II

Bad Most irritating news: - What??!!

I believe it is called pulling numbers out of your rear end. It continues to amaze me that this moron not only gets valuable air time, but that he is bent on manufacturing lies that fuel hate and distrust in a time when we least need it. How sad is it that a person would spend their time doing this, rather than everything in their power to bring people together. What a legacy he'll have.

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Good Uplifting news: - Justice

Living in a western country has its advantages and disadvantages; one disadvantage being the difficulty understanding certain elements of Middle Eastern culture as they seem counter to the basic beliefs of freedom and equality for all. When this story first broke, I felt such disgust at the entire country of Afghanistan. Reading this now, I feel that there are pockets of hope and enlightenment, evident in the existence of women's rights groups and the recognition that this act was a crime. I'm left with a good bit of irritation at the girl's father, who thinks that she would or should return to her home and family. What on earth for? They failed her once. Wasn't that enough?

hive complete on Dec 17

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.

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