life of d

By davidd


Hello blippers, here is a quick picture of the field behind our house, used for dog walks, learning to ride bikes, picnics, ball games etc, etc, it is also the school playing field. Word has it there was a standoff by the stream (where the trees are) during the English Civil war.

Anyway there was a bit of a hoohaa recently over who owns the land, which resulted in some of the Parish Council fibbing rather badly and getting it village green status. This is sort of fine apart from the fact that the school now has no rights over it (they are a little unhappy as they in fact own the land) so it is much harder for them to make it safe for games, sportsday etc..

Uke practise was brilliant last night, usual poor level of playing however we had huge amounts of fun, drank lots of mulled wine and ate Matts finest bread.
Sore fingers today though!



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