Judith's photos

By Judith

Recipe for disaster

1. Decide to make mincemeat and Christmas Puddings. Check recipes and cupboards for ingredients. Add items to shopping list.
2. Go shopping. Manage to get to a checkout with no queue, but get slightly peeved with woman behind who starts unloading her trolley without leaving me enough room to unload mine.
3. Get home, unpack shopping. Discover 1 of the lemons purchased has gone missing. Blame pushy woman at checkout.
4. Start mincemeat. Discover suet is out of date. Also discover there's plenty of rum for puddings but not enough brandy for both mincemeat and puddings. Blame pushy woman at checkout (it's not her fault but makes me feel better) and realise another trip to supermarket is needed.
5. Decide can't face supermarket twice on a Saturday. Make another cup of coffee and decide to write cards instead.

Hope other people are having a better day!

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