Framer's Intent...

By Scrybe

79 and Coffee and geekspeak

Another blip from my 79 series today.

I went into town to meet a friend and ask him a few questions about web stuff and techie stuff. He obliged, and quite graciously spent three hours explaining what I should do and how. Splendid! I like these kinds of meetings - fun, relaxed, no awkward silences or tricky questions. Sure beat my usual experience of getting a ridiculously wide brief in an "Is this possible...?" form and then having to decide whether I want to admit to being able to do it and thus be charged with doing it, or just flatly deny its possibility. Or very carefully explaining why something is a very bad idea only for the person I'm in a meeting with deciding we simply have to do it. Nope, compared to that, this was positively delightful.

Then I went to Waterstones, ostensibly to 'research' which photobooks they stocked, but I somehow walked out with a copy of a Stephen Shore book. No idea how that happened. Red mist descended, and the next thing I knew, I was at home. As you do.

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