
By Appreciation

And the Lord Said - (light series #6)

It was only when I looked back today over my last week that I realised my previous 5 blips have centred round light. I have been involved in a mini series and didn't know it. Isn't it interesting how the brain works and how it is drawn to certain things at certain times.

Today, when coming back home with another heavy back pack and several supermarket shopping bags, I turned into our side street and this incredible light hit me. The clouds were all crinkly and fluffed up, (someone will know what they're called - my boy would know too). The sun so bright. This shot is taken with a polarising filter and still I couldn't find the dimmer switch. It's fitting that I should have a gorgeous piece of natural light here to end my series.

The temperature has risen so much that I haven't had the heating on today and water is running everywhere. I have a burst downpipe and it is surrounded by ice, but water is running between the pipe and the ice - its incredible to watch and it is making these amazing gurgling noises. I should be more concerned but who will come out just now? No-one, It will need to thaw completely and then there will be others who need priority. I will just have to put up with it. I so wish I could catch it on camera, but it really wouldn't do it justice. I also spent some time bashing snow off the guttering so they don't come down with the weight of snow.

I've also been working today. I have this lovely part time job that allows me to work from home. It's a charity and I can choose my hours, mostly, and there is such a humbling and satisfying element to it that I just love being involved - what's more they pay me! Fantastic.

Blipping early because I smugly have a photo and am excited about my 'series', and because we have parents evening for eldest tonight. Well, I say tonight, but for the past 5 years parents evening starts at 4pm and finished at 6.30pm. Using the word 'evening' is stretching it a bit - and them a centre for learning too. Wot ur they teachin ma wains?

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