Snow Art?.....

....or a gratuitous member shot? Either way, it's clearly suffering from another night of intense cold. London it was for me today and it was delays all the way. The travel in this job teaches you patience, but also permits you to observe some of the worst excesses of human behaviour, which manifest when control of ones destiny is temporarily rested away by companies responsible for moving you from A to B. Even at my most tired and grumpy worst, I've never been aggressive and unreasonable in the way that some people were today; they all had in thing in common......they all possessed cocks.

Talking of poultry, we've not ordered our Christmas bird yet, so we'd better get our skates on or it'll be Spam for Xmas day.

And so to bed after a long and largely frustrating day, safe in the knowledge that tomorrow can only be better.

Edit: I wonder how long before someone who doesn't understand art for arts sake complains about this?

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