Hello Captain Parsnip

By captainparsnip


Since we last spoke all my life is somewhat complicated
Since I killed my parsnip wife I am much enervated
Whilst police all look for me I hide inside a cupboard
It is quite uncomfortable but I'm not yet discovered

Hiding here I have lost weight I now am wrinkled and thin
My parsnip juice in parsnip veins visible inside my parsnip skin
My parsnip teeth have dropped from mouth and fell upon the floor
I look not like myself but like a parsnip junkie whore

I cut off my moustache and drew a new face on with biro
I'll run away to Istanbul, or Marrakech, or Cairo
In new disguise I'll make a new life and never kill my wife again
I shall speak to you all next when I'm safe upon the aeroplane.


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