Foto Chronicle

By Fatima

A Lucky Shot

How often is it that you are standing alone minding your own business when the thing that you wanted walks towards you with its own feet. Well, that is how this blip happened. I was waiting to get home in the evening and thinking what I'd blip about today when two horses trotted past me.
Although finding horses out in the streets is not something unusual in Pakistan but ever since the ban on 'Tongas' (kind of like horse carriages only smaller) spotting horses on the street is a rare event. What is even better is that these were no street horses, they were dressed ready to run. I managed to take a quick shot of one of the horses as they passed by. It didn't come out that well but I was happy I even got it.
P.S. Notice the riders expression. I think he was midway through saying something when he noticed me or maybe he was just plain angry.

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