the other one

By theotherone


the other one likes nothing more than to hide away in his bedroom and pretend that he is a rock genius.

he likes to make songs, that turn into albums, which get cover designs, get passed to friends who say things like "well, its better than the last one", "ha" or "i like the guitar but dude your voice. you should seriously get some singing lessons", and then placed onto the pod.

currently the other one is sandwhiched between Nirvana and PJ Harvey on the pod, which is no bad place to be and is good for the ego is nothing else.

the other one's rock and roll dream is that someone would buy his music and enjoy listening to it. he would also like mr c's band to be his opening act!

tonight was spent writing,creating and recording a new track called national anthem...its not finished but the latest version is far superior to the previous 6!
the other one doubts he will finish it this year, he is lazy.

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