Man in the Tropics

By manintropics

Day 5

Rule #6 Earplugs are essential

The wonderful thing about our room in the Pousada (guesthouse) is that there is no glass or curtains in the windows, the breeze flows in, you can hear the sea and the birds, it is such a contrast to home. The most incomprehensible thing about our room is that there is no glass or curtains in the windows. So, every mossie in the world is free to enter to feast on me (insect repellent in our case - still AWOL!!). But even worse is the noise of the birds. It gets pitch black here at 6pm, but sunrise is at 4.43am. I know that exactly as the light wakes me up (grumpy old man moment). But what is worse is the noise of the birds. At sunrise they go ballistic, and I mean they all chirp like mad, and boy can they chirp, shrill, squawk and whatever other noise they make - it is like a riot going on just outside. I mean what is that about - what can they have that is so urgent to talk about? The photo is of the worst offender, not a very exotic bird, but a tropical bird nevertheless. Anyway, on the flight over (or one of the many flights) we were given a little pack of 'essentials' which included: some fetching lime green socks, some toothpaste and a toothbrush (which have come in useful as our toothbrushes are in the cases!!), and some earplugs. I kept mine, and now I know why - tonight I will see if the earplugs can sufficiently birdproof me.

Last night J met the cockroach. She did not have the same understanding with it as me, she claimed it looked at her funnily, and so she set about it with the insect spray with a vengeance. The secret, so she tells me, is to flip it on it's back (using the spray) and then spray it's vulnerable underbelly. So now I know who to call in future. Needless to say it is now an ex-cockroach.

I am looking more like captain birdseye each day as I (am forced to) cultivate a beard

Went to shop and struggled to find any sun cream. Eventually found small bottle of factor 15 - entirely insufficient in this strength sunshine - both a bit pink!

Spent time on beach watching for boats - like 2 latter-day Robinson Crusoes - except we were hoping for luggage delivery - no joy. Went for walk along beach for a bit - J moody (even she admitted it) as she had none of her accoutrements (you guessed it - they were in the cases!). On our return back to base we decided it was no use, we had to get a few more clothes as we were in no way prepared. So raided Boipeba tourist shop (the only shop selling clothes on the island). Now we look like 2 Boipeba reps in our Boipeba T-shirts - great! Also splashed out on some shampoo - it does feel good after so long using soap (J did a 'herbal essence' moment whilst excitedly washing her hair!!!!). Maybe the cases tomorrow?

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