Park The Car At The Side Of The Road
Time's Tide Will Smother You*
I'd like to say to everyone who said that the shine would quickly wear off when I posted my first sn*w blips way way back in time 'sorry, you were right'. I hope you have a warm glow of smugness. I hope my wishing for sn*w hasn't made all THIS happen.
Day 11 and things took a turn for the worse yesterday. This picture was taken while I waited for the first bus of the day (really, a First Bus). The horizontals are p*ssed It doesn't give any indication of the chaos that has ensued. I've had a serious sense of humour failure today. That's my car on the drive (er, my drive by the way) and its not going anywhere for the forseeable, but that's fine.
But at least there hasn't been a massive gas explosion and a tram hasn't come off the tracks onto the street.
That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore, The Smiths, 1985
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