Stop pointing that camera at me!!!

Another day at home today as the schools were closed. I made the kids get suited and booted this morning and we went outside to try and build a snowman but the snow is too powdery yet but they had good fun for a while and Jessica went to sleep in her buggy at the front door. ~A little fresh air made us all feel a little better. The kids were playing with their friends again today and late on they went out in the snow again for a snow ball fight. Jessica was too busy playing with the "little" lego, she doesn't want to play with the "baby" lego!

She had the lego box on her head to start with but the picture I got wasn't the greatest and then she pointed her finger here at the lense to let me know she wasn't impressed.

My brother in law got home this morning at around 6am after spending the night on the M73!

Schools are off again tomorrow.


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