Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

No Snow

...well tbh there is, but I am bored with it.

However I had work today and oh my word it is so cold and so dark right now, I nearly didn't blip again today.

I ventured out to the courtyard to see the garden lights....the ones in the ground are apparently done for, only one of the star sprigs is working, but the ones through the ivy are good.

I want to get some chinese lantern style ones to thread through the bamboo, but we don't have electricity on that side of the garden so it's one of things that's not likely to happen.

So I shall torment Mr C&D with talk of garden lights at the weekend, I am sure he will be thrilled, what with that, the tidying, the christmas lights, the decs needing down from the loft and the outdoor tree to be purchased!

oh and I forgot the radiator cabinet needs to be put back in dd's room, the one in the downstairs hall might be able to go upstairs , a new one to be purchased for downstairs, and the bunk beds in ds2's room need to be separated.

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