live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

chocolate cake and strawberry ice cream

my new favourite! Enak bener.. MAKNYOS cuii!! sllurrrpp!!

and this one is also my favourite <- backblip

so today was a long day. started at 5.30 am, as usual wake up at around 5-5.30am to do Subuh prayer, and as usual after prayer i always go back sleep. but for my beloved aunty, i didn't do that today. after prayer, I immediately took a shower and got ready to pick up my aunt at the Hajj Dormitory. yess today my aunt has returned from pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, she arrived home safely. Alhamdulillah, thank you O God. after picking up my aunty and going to her house, we *all relatives* were hugging, chatting and yay i got souvenirs from Arab. my next destination today was Senayan City. i had a date with my best girl friends, ate this chocolate cake, we were chatting, laughing and taking photos. then we moved to TIS square to meet up A. another chatting, laughing and taking photos. then going home at 10pm.
i like little a bit riding at night, no traffic jam and i can take high speed *oups*

PS . Indonesia beat Thailand 2-1 ! YAY! with this result, Indonesia has stepped into the semi-finals of the AFF *Asean football* CUP 2010

PPS . Happy Islamic New Year 1432 H!

PPPS . Have a good night. nitey nite!

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