Family 6

By meganrose

Afternoon nap

They are sleeping soundly right behind me as I type. They look like angels. They are not. The weather is too cold to take them out, especially as Razzle has the car as a work 'van' at the moment. Cabin Fever got so bad this afternoon I let them go to sleep. Something I have been avoiding lately as I know I will pay the price later. My head, however, needed the brief peace!

You may think I don't dress my children. I do. Honestly. But Rory stripped himself off again and whatever Rory does Farah does too. When I asked him to dress himself again he declared he didn't want to. 'I'm warm enough'. Clearly I should turn the heating down as he seems to think we live somewhere tropical.

Last night Farrah decided that Sylvia kitten was a little horse dressed up as a cat. I didn't dare ask what she thinks she is... (Although clearly 'strange' would be included in the description somewhere.)


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