
By mattleach

M is for Me

This is a brave step for me!

I really hate photos of myself and much happier hiding behind the camera but I really wanted to have a go at self portraits using a makeshift set up of a beanbag on the table instead of tripod and using the self timer as I don't have a remote yet (it's on the Xmas list).

I was fine taking it, in fact I enjoyed doing it, the brave bit is posting it here.

I did make a pact though that I must get in front of the camera more often. My father was the same, always the one taking the photos but never in them and as a consequence I have very few pictures of him to look back on now he's not with us. I don't want the same thing for William. I might not like my own appearance but those memories will be invaluable to William when I'm gone.

Funny thing is this is me at my roughest! Just got back from walking the dog and in desperate need of a shower and shave, but hey ho you can have me warts and all.

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