
By CleanSteve

A full moon sun

After I put on my porridge to cook gently, I went outside and found Bomble racing up the garden to greet me. He had been eyeing up the birds, I fear, as they struggled for food in the garden and fields. His coat seemed nearly frozen too. He is now snuggled up in a cat ball on our duvet, where he will stay till he next wants to eat.

The pigeons, crows and magpies were stooped on the sycamore and ash tree branches, while chaffinches, goldfinches and tits were at the frozen feeders. Robins and Blackbirds stood off as is there wont, not being as sociable or able to access feeders so easily. I checked that the seeds were still loose enough for them to peck at. I worry about putting food on the ground as there are so many predatory cats here.

I feel rather hungover from a late finish of the meeting last night, but results were mostly good. There was some angry political sloganeering at one point, but Mike's and my project was given general backing from the council.

I am so lucky not to have to venture out early today. It was minus 9? at 9am, when I took this view from the window beside my desk. Helena had to walk to a session at Griffin Mill, which is always cold even in July. I can now sit and admire the swirling mists, which have been ebbing and flowing constantly in the hour since this image was taken. I am going to imbibe another strong coffee and plan a somewhat lazy day. But I will go and put out some water too for the birds, and check that it doesn't freeze too quickly.

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