Life of a toaster

By jivetoaster


Further mysteries of blipfoto are revealed. I had thought the 2mb size limit was an absolute thing but it seems to be arbitrary. Been trying to upload stuff from my decent camera for the past 3 days and failing because the site isn't resizing them correctly. Now that I've resized this one myself* to the 640 pixel width limit, it works OK.

The loss of resolution doesn't matter too much anyway, because it's only Edinburgh Castle :D - a fairly lazy shop along Prince's Street for some last-week pressies, whilst through visiting my girlfriend's folks.

*myself in this context actually being "emailing the original to Scott in the office, who gets PS on his PC for web page maintenance (even though he's a system tester)". I have PS at home of course, so I'll manage it myself in future but - well, I'm in the office at the mo. Hail to the Scott of course, who will appear in this blog someday.

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