Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Well I got some excercise today. I noticed this waterfall as I drove down the hill to work this morning in trusty PB, but there is nowhere to stop safely.

Intrepid and energetic (!) blipper that I am, at lunch time I spent ten minutes putting on a second pair of socks, amazingly confident-enducing-so-far-boots, scarf, fleece, waterproof, hat, gloves, and then set out. I may be some time, carry on without me if I don't return.

It was a tricky route, at first in well-trod footsteps, then the lesser used icy path, I'm sure I saw Yak poo, and finally into the equivalent of last stage Everest summit. Then there was the trying not to look as though I was taking a photo of a wall. Why do so many vehicles drive past at that certain moment? Why? And how many of them were clients? (Worried frown).

Anyway I've lost myself, as so often happens, so here is a blip of a Very Bad Drip from Somebody's Pipe Thingy. In summer it jusy glows a green algae, but blimey, it has excelled itself dring the Brrr-snap.

Keep warm all.

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