Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

sick blip

I hate being sick!!!!

This started as a minor head cold that I didn't take seriously.

Last night I couldn't breab,
now my nose is so stubbed ub dat I am miserabbble bud I can'd sleeb.

I just took some more medicine.

Toilet paper makes great nasal tampons.

Orange Juice cuts phlegm and makes it easier to hack.

In the pre-antibiotic era I would have been long dead by now, the victim of some horrible childhood scourge.
I feel a weakling, dependent on modern technology for my basic survival. A genetically altered crop, raised with weed-be-gone and round-up.

I am looking forward to the bizarre hallucinogenic dreams I'll have from the antihistamines I just ate.

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