between jobs...

By betweenjobs


It's that gate again. The sky is still very white, although the sun was trying to creep through. Much of the deep snow has gone following rain over the weekend, although there is still a few inches on the ground and the paths and minor roads are now covered in ice. I nearly came a cropper a few times on my trek this morning, which led me to wonder - what would I try to save, myself or the camera? I didn't come to a conclusion and thankfully didn't need to make that split second decision!

We moved house 5 months ago to a small village and I now understand why virtually everyone in the village drives a 4x4. Without one we have been stuck for the past 5 days. A few weeks back I was giving a friend of ours grief for buying one, but then had to eat humble pie when a lift in the offending car to the nearest town seemed the only way to stock up the larder.

I am getting used to this village life though. Something that I do whole-heartedly approve of is the 4.00pm pub run on "snow days", when everyone in the village, who can't get to work or school, piles down to the local for what was probably planned to be a quick pint or two but generally turns into much more than that! However, the trains are running again now so Janet is back at work and the kids are back at school, so I will need to find another excuse, but with more bad weather forecast soon...

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