
By attraversiamo

100th Happiness

Hooray! I made it!

Thank you to the blip founder and to all the blip-awesome people who make up this community. Your journals are an authentic inspiration and bring such happiness to my life. Thank you to my sweet husband and son, whose patience and support is beyond measure. They both wished me happy anniversary today.

I never thought I?d make it to this point, much less 100 days after I started. Consistency is not my strong point -unless it has to do with my son -or my breakfast. (I eat oatmeal every morning.) But here I am, 100 blips old!

I feel like I have grown tremendously. Aside from learning the intricacies of my 2nd child (my Canon 50D), I have discovered the joy of working through any negative emotion that could potentially keep me from creating. I blip regardless of personal judgment, fear, criticism, boredom, laziness, sickness, blip-block or simply feeling rebellious.

I learned that above all subjects?I love to shoot people?in the midst of an emotion. And that I need to get out of my house to find those moments...Capturing those photos makes my heart sing. And you know how I love to sing!

I wanted to do something fun in honor of today...with my husband's help (he's behind the camera) - this is me, downtown Medford, in one of my diva gowns acting goofy...I am just really glad it was Sunday morning and the town was still asleep....

This has been such a wonderful journey and I am looking forward to the next 100?so many glorious things can happen when our attention is focused on finding beauty.

Thank you for stopping by and may your days be blipful and bright!

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