
Our first full day on the North Shore of Hawaii was a day of adventure!

We rented scooters from the hotel and hit the road. Here's a word to the wise about proper footware when riding a scooter: wear closed toed shoes.

All was good for about the first five minutes until unexplicably I got nervous and thought I might be losing control. I put my left foot down to steady myself (a natural reaction similiar to what you would do when riding a bicycle) but the moped was going about 5 miles an hour and my rubber flip flop bent bent back against the asphault, causing my big toe to hit the ground. Skin was ripped off, there was blood. . . yeah not pretty. Unfortunately, R was about 500 yards ahead of me completely unaware of my predicament so all I could do was swallow the pain, ignore the gush of blood, and carry on until I could flag him down. Yikes.

I fixed my toe up at Sunset Beach thanks to the help of a lifeguard (turns out the skin was ripped but luckily the nail was still iintact). Determined not to let this ruin our day, we continued along the shore into Hale'iwa, a small, slightly touristy surf community.

We parked our hogs and wandered around the shops, had lunch, then headed back to the hotel. I was grateful to be off the scooter. It was a fun way to explore the island but also slightly dangerous!

We spent the rest of the day at the pool and the pool bar, drinking away my toe sorrows. :)

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