This day

By snapper

walk on by

Oh the decedance .. a second lazy day.

Finally took doggies out on a nice forrest walk up towards the viewpoint above Bellanoch on the Crinan canal. Its a shame that they go to all that length to make a lovely walk, even lovlier in the snow, you get to the viewpoint and what are you faced with? yes the usual scrubby lanky useless trees and for vertically challenged wee midgets like me there in NO view! so I had to stand on the lonesome bench in order to get the scrubby ugly things out of my field of vision and even at that I had to crop! when are areas going to learn to get shot of these grubby ugly shrubbery that grows alongside all our beautiful lochsides?

Anyhow I enjoyed the walk and so did the doggies and I managed to get a few nice piccies. I only took my wee GF! camera and I just love it as you can use it with one hand and not have to worry about it having to be the best shot in all Chrisendom just a pretty wee picture all of which I have put up on my flicr site
flickr site

Have a good Sunday all

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