
Another day at home, but we had fun again, especially doing painting! Uncle Patrick bought me some foam shapes and painting tools for my birthday and we used them today. I painted blue circles, yellow stars, red hearts and rectangles and purple numbers! I also painted with a paintbrush, both on paper and on some toilet roll tubes.

She's really good with stuff like this, and will concentrate on what she's doing for ages. We have red, yelllow and blue Crayola finger paints. They're really good, and easy to wash off. She asked me to make her some other colours - green, brown and purple. She was fascinated by the fact that we could mix two or three colours together to get something else, although she did ask me to change purple back to blue. I'm not that good obviously, but some blue in a clean dish was enough to make her happy!

I should also mention, we had our first serious attempt at potty training today. I made a reward chart and Orla helped me make some stars for it. It wasn't disastrous in that there were no accidents, but it wasn't a success either because she refuses to sit on the potty. We're just going to take it easy and not make a big thing of it. We'll have another go next weekend.

Check out Katie's Journal today and do yourself a favour - watch the film, it's brilliant!

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