secret garden

By freespiral

200 :)

It seemed to take ages to get to the first 100, but the last 100 has just shot by. Blipping continues to be an eye opening, creative, fascinating and totally obsessive journey! It continues to be wonderful to see so many genuinely amazing photographs, and to meet people from all over the world, sharing in the highs and lows and bits in between. It's funny how you can start to recognise people by individual styles. It's also proving to be a fascinating personal record and one I shall enjoy looking back at when I'm old and grey - not too long then!.
Things I'd like to know:
how many blippers are there out there?
How long does the average blipper (is there one??) spend each day fiddling around with blip-related stuff?
Why do we no longer get all notifications?
When will it get warm again?

A big thanks to everyone who swings by, now bring on the balloons :)

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