Around the Block

By Barrioboy

WANTED: Somefig to Blip!

Sunday evening and suddenly there is no light outside, so the prowl of the house and close examination of its contents begins (I think DD is doing the same upstairs)! So for better or worse, white-balanced or orange-cast, steady or shaky, quiet or noisy, straight or squint, cropped or fully-framed, here is the 'somefig' that I landed on!

At least, it has the Catalan/Spanish colours! The box contains Galletas Birba (assorted biscuits mainly of the wafer variety) made in Girona. The figs, poor little runts of fellas that they are, came from the local super, origin unknown. But they keep me going when I get a little bit peckish! The bowl is from Cadaques, and the bread board is squashed bamboo from China...I presume!

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