Foto Chronicle

By Fatima

Beauty: an exaggeration of simplicity

Simplicity is indeed often the sign of truth and a criterion of beauty
~Mahlon Hoagland

Fake alterations and enhancements are often mistaken for beauty. Most people recognize and classify the same fake embellishments as beauty. What is clearly forgotten is that beauty in its simplest form is unmatchable.

This is the picture of a flower I captured from my garden. I know it is a lazy blip, but trust me it is all I felt like today.

Today, being a Saturday was as expected the worst day of the week. Saturdays always make me agitated and grumpy. I either end up doing a lot of work or none at all. Staying at home all day is probably not my thing. And it clearly is conflicting with my will to write any more.

I hope everyone else had a great first half of their weekend. And hopefully the second half of mine will be better.

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