RIP RB Blippers

Well the doors slammed shut today, no rescue package, no last minute buyer, just one hundred and odd people facing an uncertain future.

Thank you Mr Ricketts, some doing taking a profitable company of some 26 years standing and running it into the ground in a little over 8 months! You should be ashamed of yourself.

Anyway this is some of the Blippers who I am sure we will still see in Blipland.

From left to right: Jono, Tony, yours truly and Ben. And then there are those that weren't present for my lens: Big Al, Ken and Michael who had the best idea and got out while the going was good.

(Check out their rather excellent journals).

I hope our paths will cross again as it's been a right hoot.

Anyone out there looking for an art director then feel free to get in touch.

Tomorrow is going to be strange, feels like I've already lost something.

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