All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Box of Baubles

Ho hum - another at home snow day today. My parents were supposed to be coming over today, but cancelled yesterday due to the bad weather. So it was just Ethan and I (and the 4 cats too of course)!

After waking just before 7am, he didn't go back to sleep after playing on my bed like he usually does. I tried to get him to go for a nap in his cot at 10.30am as he was clearly tired but after 25 minutes of tantrums I gave up, put him in the Baby Bjorn and out we went for another snowy walk. Fifteen minutes later, he was sound asleep! It is great that he sleeps in it, but he tends to lean forward a lot when he's asleep which isn't so good for my back. I got back home as quickly as I could, put him on the sofa, where he slept for well over an hour - yay!

In the afternoon, I decided to put the Christmas Tree up. I thought Ethan would have been fascinated by it, but he didn't really show too much interest, apart from a curious peek in the box of baubles. He did like it when I put the Christmas Tree lights on though.

He was quite grumpy for lots of the afternoon and just wanted cuddles and to be carried. I again tried to get him to have a nap in his cot but he wasn't having it. So I sat in the rocking chair in the nursery and cuddled him. I was quite surprised when not only did he fall asleep on my chest, but carried on sleeping when I put him back in the cot! He didn't wake till just after 5pm so I'm hoping we don't have problems at bedtiime with him having slept so late.

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