Lindsay's photo diary

By twinlindz


Nightmare morning. It started very excitedly as a lot of snow had fallen over night and everywhere was covered. I got ready slowly for work, half expecting a text from school saying we were closed. After speaking to colleagues we realised we were going to have to start making our way there before a decision was made. I then got a phonecall saying that school was open but it had been left up to the parents as to whether they bought there children to school. I started my journey slowly with no traffic on the road but as I got closer to school I hit traffic and realised getting over the canal Gump bridge was the hold up. After watching a bus get over it I decided I would give it a go...surely if a big bus could get over it I could right?! Well on my 4th attempt I started having doubts. Particulary as my car started sliding towards going in the canal which left me a nervous wreck. On the 5th attempt I thankfully got over the hill and to school. When I walked in to the hall I started crying as all the nervousness came out...such a girl. I wasn't very happy. 30 mins later it was deemed unsafe to be open and the school was closed!RAGE!

After calming down and grabbing some felt I left school to come home. Went a different way which made life a lot easier and calmer. I then spent the day cutting out these felt stars that I am going to get the kids to stitch into decorations for there Christmas trees. Had a go myself and they look pretty cool. Spent the afternoon wrapping presents and calming down from the rage in the morning.

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