This Life...

By tintin

The Cat-Loo

Minnie my cat has been going bonkers not being able to get out in the garden because of the deep snow.She paces,wails,stares longingly out of windows but simply won't go out in it.She's a small tabby with little legs,the snow is about knee deep at the house.She made the mistake of thinking on day one that she could walk across it,big mistake,meowing ensued and a large cat shaped dent was formed in the snow.Thus a rescue mission and a traumatised mog.

I tried putting a litter tray by the kitchen door for her,she snootily snubbed it.

Today I resorted to digging a ton of snow from the back door and building her a little igloo (catloo - see what I did there) for her litter box.

She actually went out and used it! RESULT!

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