
By millyanatrees

home fire

just crushed both my thumbs while trying to split a log to put on the fire...well two bits of wood nailed together that wouldn't fit in the burner attached to eachother, so using the door opener and the poker I tried in vain to separate them and crushed one thumb, then the other in the process!! damn hurt!! wine is making me feel better though.

Had to burn pages out of Brighton University prospectus instead.....saved the photography course page though....

Almost didn't manage a blip's wouldn't keep still and fed up of the snow, so this will have to I getting lazy with this already?!! no it's just everything is covered in snow, and with painful thumbs my camera wasn't keeping still.

have moved my computer into the living room now, so I can actually watch tv, sit in front of the fire and play on here, so all is good.

More snow on the way tomorrow, luckily I made it to tesco's today to stock up on drinking the wine now might not be such a good idea....but mmmmm thai sweet chilli crisps!

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